Descubre la asombrosa belleza del pájaro iridiscente, ataviado con no menos de nueve colores del arcoíris metálico. Este majestuoso ser alado es ampliamente aclamado como el más atractivo del mundo, cautivando los corazones con su deslumbrante plumaje y su brillo hipnotizante. Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de este pájaro único y admira su esplendor que parece provenir de un sueño.

el macho es la imagen penetrante de la iridiscencia; con cabeza verde con cresta, cuello rojo, hombros verdes, espalda azul, cola naranja y terminado con un par de calzoncillos negros.


el monal del Himalaya (Lophophorus impejanus), es un ave que aparece con frecuencia en la conservación de aves como contendiente por el título de ave más atractiva del mundo.

Here are some facts about this bird.
This bird is stunning because it is covered in no less than nine colors of the metallic rainbow.

The Himalayan monal is the national symbol of the country of Nepal.

The female has a prominent white patch on the throat and a white stripe on her tail.

Their brilliant feathers have made them extremely popular around the world.

The Himalayan monal is also known as the “nine-colored-bird” because of the nine iridescent colors you can see on it.

The male’s white rump flash amid flight is highlighted by a prominent white patch on its back and black underparts

The juvenile birds are duller in color than the adult males.

They spend the majority of their day searching for insects, seeds, fruits, and shoots in their diet.

Their huge bills have evolved to allow them to dig and retrieve bugs.

These birds are resistant to the cold due to their snowy environment. They are solitaries unless they have a partner, when they may be observed mostly during the breeding season between April and August
The breeding season is April through August, and they generally form pairs at this time. In winter they congregate in large coveys and roost communally.

This bird is considered as of Least Concern on the IUCN red list.


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